‘Guru Shakti’ or Power of the Guru

2015-04-21 13.25.30


Mother is the first Guru of a human being, Father the second, and the Teacher comes next. Each one of them possess and apply what we call “Guru Shakti”. It is not necessary that only a Priest or Bramhin who chants mantras and slokhas can become a Guru. Anyone irrespective of religion, caste, creed, and sex can be in possession of the power of Guru. The only requirement is that the person should be able to arouse and preserve the power within him or her.

The same principle is practiced in our 200-odd temples. When it comes to worshiping Baba, we do not discriminate based on religion, caste or sex. Whoever can preserve the “Guru Shakti” and is passionate about Baba can become a priest. This is the main idea behind “Guru Shakti”.  This power only unites and never divides. All the perfect masters of old days, irrespective of the religion and ideology they belonged to  had two things in common: Power of Love and Power of Grace. God’s “Power of Wealth” is channelized through  Goddess Lakshmi, “Power of Wisdom” through Goddess Saraswati, Power to Obliterate through goddess Kali, and Power to Secure and Safeguard through Goddess Durga. God’s “Power of Grace” is manifested through the medium of ‘Guru’.

A mother is able to raise her children in the face of challenges and adversities since “Guru Shakti” is inherent in her. Look at a mother to witness “Guru Shakti” in human form. Also, every mother has the power to grace. She never raises her children with intellect and acumen alone. It can help but is not the primary force.

It would be impossible for a person to adhere to the path of “Guru Parampara” or “Heritage of Guru and Disciple”, if he or she is primarily driven by Intellect and acumen. Simplicity and Compassion are the key attributes of success in this path.

Every god symbolizes retention of a certain power, For example, lord Agni is the master of the power of fire. Any omission in his worship has it’s repercussion and requires restitution by the devotee. No redress is needed while praying the Guru. Just being passionate is enough. Like a mother who accepts a gift wholeheartedly from her child, whether he is rich or poor, Guru accepts whatever you offer. No sin is committed by any omission in his worship.

There is no place for Sin, Virtue or Fear in “Guru Shakti”. The pursuit of God is never through Fear, but through Love. The power of Guru doesn’t recognize fear. It only recognizes love and reciprocates love, like a mother.

Simplify your mode of payers to Sadguru Sai Nath. While worshiping or praying Baba, there is no need to fast, or undergo penance or to neglect your family and duty. These should be avoided. Offer Baba the simple prayers from your compassionate heart.

Jai Shri Sai !


[Translated portion of the speech by Dr. C B Satpathy in Oriya language during the land consecration ceremony of Shirdi Sai temple, Kendrapada, Orissa in 2008]









