Take Me Beyond Happiness and Sorrow


 Sukhare hin je dakhe tote || To roopa jaaniba kemante

Je dekhe tote ubhayare || Bujhe se tote prakrutare

Tenu mote hey Gurubara || Sukha O Dukha daana kara

Duhinka anubhaba dia || Sukha dukhara urddhwe nia

How can anyone realize your real self, if he tries to experience You in his happiness only. Those who can find you both in happiness and sorrow can (only) realize your real nature. Therefore O’ Master, give me both happiness and sorrow. Give me the experience of the both and finally take me beyond the both.


Jai Shri Sai !


Source: Shri Guru Bhagavat, Volume-2, Pages 278-279

