Understand Him through Inner Perception



During the period when Baba was at Shirdi (between 1860‐1918), there were a very small number of newspapers and journals in Maharashtra. Study of such newspapers and magazines shows that during that time, Babaʹs name rarely appeared in them. After Baba left His body in 1918 “Sai Leela” an official publication (magazine) of Shri Shirdi Sai Baba Sansthan came to life and this continues to be published till today.

The prominent devotees of Baba like Dasganu Maharaj, Nanasaheb Chandorkar, Kaka Saheb Dixit and many others who were instrumental in spreading the name of Baba were extremely ‘cautious’ and ‘truthful’ in uttering or writing anything pertaining to Baba. The two magazines, Sai Prabha (1915‐1919) and Shri Sai Leela (1923 till date) were not commercial ventures. Neither the publishers, nor the editors or the writers had any commercial angle attached to it. It was out of pure love towards Baba and the real life experience they had with Him, that they wrote on their experiences in these magazines for the benefit of other devotees.

They did not brag about the information they shared with others or their proximity to Baba nor did they write about any imaginary or concocted miracles. They did not indulge in bringing out competitive marketing serials based on half baked truths or speculations on Baba,

Today nine decades after Babaʹs Mahasamadhi, His name continues to spread far and wide in India and abroad. As Baba had forecast, Shirdi is thronging with devotees from all over the globe and the number is ever on the increase. Hundreds of temples have come up in His name in India and abroad. The number of commercial movies, TV serials, magazines, books, audio‐video cassettes pertaining to Baba in different languages is too numerous to be listed. Stories on Babaʹs life, news and views on activities pertaining to the Sai movement and experiences of devotees can be seen through these audio/video or print medias.

However, what is sometimes lacking is a truthful and correct projection of Baba. Some people are perhaps not aware of the fact that a real Spiritual Master like Baba does not need a purely commercial venture to attract His devotees towards Him.

By their subtle divine power, Spiritual Masters can draw any soul from any distance by their sheer will.

This is what used to happen at Shirdi during Babaʹs time. Baba has clearly mentioned that, “He can draw His devotees even from beyond the seven seas whenever He willed“.

A true devotee who has full faith in Baba would avoid projecting Baba through imaginary or concocted stories of miracles. Such false projections sends a wrong message to the devotees and works as a hindrance in their correct appreciation of the personality of the Master, His philosophy and His teaching methods. The devotees should pray the Master to give them the correct emotional and mental capabilities to understand Him through their inner perception.

Jai Shri Sai !


Source: Excerpts from GURU PURNIMA MESSAGE (2008) by Dr. C B Satpathy



