The Methods of the Master



Usually Masters like Baba do not force disciples to follow their advice. They suggest the prescriptions directly (through words, actions and direct experiences etc.) and/or indirectly (through dreams, anecdotes, hints and mediums etc.) to each disciple or some times to a group of disciples. Baba at times used to speak cryptic or broken sentences or utter a certain un‐intelligible language. The devotees could understand its meaning only after a protracted mental deliberation over the issue.

Baba could have given a direct solution but His method was to lead the devotee through a self‐finding mental process.

Many a times He would inquire from some devotees as to what they were talking about when they were together. He would then advise them on how to handle the compulsive negative thoughts of mind and to inculcate a habit of generating positive thoughts. The omniscient Sadguru used to keep a watch on the negative and positive thoughts of His disciples and there are hundreds of such examples.

Baba used to create thought waves in the minds of devotees by His subtle powers thereby leading them to find a solution to their own problems. 

To many, He used to give direction in dreams as well. He used to render such help with a view to create a clearer and purer state of mind in the devotees, which is essentially required to tread along the path of spiritual evolution as per His (the Masters) scheme.

The Sadgurus do not wish to keep their disciples dependent on them for all times with a view to get their service. What they desire is to evolve the disciples to the state of perfect human beings (Satpurush), with perfect noble qualities so that they can further carry on certain subtle and difficult tasks on this earth or elsewhere in accordance with the Divine Plan. The Sadgurus not only give emancipation to the human‐souls under their care but also create a few ‘spiritual workers’ from among the evolved devotees to assist them in their ‘universal’ and ‘subtle’ activities.

The basic principle they follow is to Light a number of candles from a single candle and they expect the process to continue for all times to come.

If we analyze the different methods that Shri Sai adopted while dealing with the various devotees, one of his prescriptions stands out prominently i.e. the qualitative evolution of mind. In whatever He did towards the training of His devotees, the main idea was to evolve not only the mental qualities but the entire thought process of the devotee.

When Nana Saheb Chandorkar sitting near Baba at Dwarakamayee Masjid was attracted by the beauty of a woman, Baba never advised him not to look at women. What He advised was that while looking at any beautiful woman or beautiful object, one should think of ʹbeautyʹ as an aspect of God’s creation. He further emphasized on the internal beauty of the soul and not on the external beauty of the body.

The lesson that Baba gave was that when the mind is attracted to anything, it is better to attach a higher value to the thought itself rather than to struggle with mind to avoid the object of attraction. No one can struggle with his own mind, as it is the most powerful force in human beings as ordained by nature. The moment one tries to struggle with mind in order to erase an evil thought or enforce a good thought by oneʹs sheer will, it is bound to create certain reactions and such reactions lead to further problems. This is the most difficult task for any human being to perform in this complex world. Therefore, Baba used to keep a constant watch on the thoughts arising in the minds of His devotees and guide them promptly.

Baba asked Kaka Saheb Dixit to stay quietly in Dixit‐Wada at Shirdi and not to mix with others. He told him that he should be wary of thieves in the Wada lest they would take away everything, meaning thereby loss of his positive quality of mind and peace.

Upasani Baba was asked to stay at Khandoba temple and not to meet any one. He was not even allowed to meet Baba sitting a few hundred yards away for a long time.

By separating the genuine seekers from the rest of the world, Baba wanted them to maintain a purer and positive state of mind and not to get contaminated by the negative thoughts of others as usually happens in social interactions. 

Baba used to render advice in the same or similar line to different devotees.

To Always keep one’s promise.

To make adequate payment for the services received from any person.

To tolerate and not to quarrel even if provoked, to avoid speaking ill of others.

To avoid differentiating among human beings on the grounds of material or social differentiation etc.

To visualize the presence of God in every object, every thought and every feeling.

Jai Shri Sai !


Source: Excerpts from MAHA SAMADHI DIWAS MESSAGE (2006) by Dr. C B Satpathy



