Love for Baba is the Greatest Prayer
Human beings will always have problems in one aspect of life or the other, whether they are big or small, whether they are evil or good in nature. All such sufferings are correlated to karma of the earlier lives as also of this life. It is better to remember God more at happier times than when in sorrow, as Saint Kabir said “Dukh main sumiran sab karen, sukh main kare na koi”.
Love is the inner prayer whether outwardly done or not. Love for Baba is the greatest prayer because prayers are meant for evoking the love of Baba or God. Don’t bother about formal prayers if the mind is in an unhappy state. Read and think about Him as much as you can.
By doing good to others you are destroying your own “paap” and improving upon your qualities of forgiveness and patience and getting closer to Baba. Don’t expect returns from human beings as you will get hurt. Expect it from Baba because in the right moment, His blessings will descend.
Pray to Baba always to keep you on the right path and to make you more patient. Please be true to your nature. All your virtuous acts are stored for future help. Don’t change your helpful nature towards others. The subtle but helpful actions played by Baba behind the scene for His devotees may not be known to the devotee at that time. Knowing the past karma of the devotee, the Sadguru quietly works on him in a manner which benefits him the best.
Source: Baba May I Answer by Dr. C B Satpathy