“Seema Ullanghan” of our Limitations
For the devotees of Sri Sainath of Shirdi, Dussehra also used to be celebrated as the day of “Seema Ullanghan”, meaning the day of crossing of the borders. The Kings used to cross the physical boundaries of their kingdoms and celebrate victory. In 1916 on Dussehra day Baba told a group of devotees that he would undertake His ‘Seema Ullanghan’ two year later. Exactly two years later Baba crossed His bodily existence and entered into His permanent abode of Sat-Chit-Anand.
In the path of spiritualism, “Seema Ullanghan” does not mean only a state of physical change but it means ‘transcendence’. We often hear of words like ‘transcendental meditation’ and ‘transcendental yoga’. Transcendence of what? Transcendence of the fetters of body and mind. This can only be achieved by controlling the compulsions of body like hunger, lust, and the mental compulsions of mind like greed, jealousy, anger, hatred etc. (the six limitations).
When one by one the mental fetters fall off, two elements of mind like ‘desire’ and ‘feeling’ pertaining to those compulsions also vanish. The soul slowly but imperceptibly then enters into a state of pure consciousness. At this stage it goes beyond all bodily fetters, including birth and death. It also crosses the barriers of time and space.
The progress in the path of spirituality is the march of the divine consciousness from its primordial state to the original divine self. Through various acts, guidance and examples, Baba advised His children to follow the path of dharma (righteousness), which means transgressing the limitations of our small ‘ego’. Keeping in mind Baba’s advice we should strive to undertake “Seema Ullanghan” of the limitations of our mind and body, so that we can forge ahead to plant better tomorrow for the posterity.
Source: MAHA SAMADHI DIWAS MESSAGE (1995) By Dr. C B Satpathy