Why do we get attracted towards Baba?


When Shirdi Sai Baba left his mortal coil, he didn’t left behind lot of wealth or material possession. In fact, he had only sixteen coins with him out of which he gave nine coins to Laxmibai Shinde. Neither did he establish any institution in his name nor did he appoint his heir-apparent. Neither did he create any Spiritual treatise nor did he preach any doctrine. Hence, a question may arise in one’s mind as to why millions of devotees across the globe get attracted towards Baba and adhere to the path shown by him.

If you observe the devotees anywhere in the world, you will find the following common thread: They all have the same bhava (emotional feelings) towards Baba. They all perceive Baba as someone very close to them – like a family member with whom one can share everything: pain, pleasure, success, and failure. All devotees of Baba are tied in an emotional bond with him. Another factor is that in Baba’s eyes every devotee is a social being having responsibilities towards himself, family and society. Never did Baba advise anyone to forsake his obligations towards family, society and undertake the spiritual journey. In his view the entire family is a unit.

Baba strongly believed that until there is unity in the family, it is not possible to bring unity in the society. Baba brought cohesion in the social fabric by starting with the smallest unit, family. All those who attempted to divide the society in the name of religion were obliterated by him. 

During those days caste system was the biggest impediment in social harmony and progess. Baba removed this barrier by uniting members from all sections of the society. All were equal before him irrespective of caste, creed, and sect. The next big dividing factor in the social ecosystem was material possession and social significance – the cleave between rich and poor. Baba established social equanimity by treating both rich and poor alike. Millioners like Booty and lepers like Bhagoji Shinde were all same before him.

It would be incorrect to say that everybody connects to Baba in pain and distress. There are many devotees who got attracted to him due to their sheer love. Yet others went to him to better comprehend his personality and working style, got attracted towards him and and turned into staunch followers. Humanism and kindness are the reasons why devotees get attracted towards Baba, not due to miracles. The attachment to Sadguru is like any other connection – be it fame, or wealth. The difference is worldly matters leave us during the rough patches of our life, while the bondage with the Sadguru becomes more stronger during adverse situations.

Jai Shri Sai !


Source: Excerpts from the keynote speech by Dr. Satpathy at Sydney during 2014.

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