The Omniscient Guide and Savior

One’s first impression of Sai Baba was derived from his eyes. There was such power and penetration in his glance that none could continue to look at his eyes. One felt that Sai Baba was reading him, or her, through and through. Soon one lowered one’s eyes and bowed down. One felt that He was not only in one’s heart, but in every atom of one’s body. A few words, a gesture would reveal to one that Sai Baba knew all about the past, present and even future and about everything else.

There was nothing else to do for one, except to submit trustfully and to surrender oneself to Him. And there He was to look after every minute detail, and guide one safely through every turn and every vicissitude of life,. He was an Antaryami, call Him God or Satpurusha in Sahaja Sthithi or what you like. But the overpowering personality was there, and in his presence no doubts, no fears, no questioning had any place and one resigned oneself and found that complete surrender is the only course, the safest and best course.

From one’s first entry into his presence, one went on getting experience of His power, His all knowing and all pervasive personality. His protecting care that shielded one, wherever one went and at any time whatsoever.Let us see an instance here as described by a devotee:

One night I was walking through the streets of Shirdi. But suddenly and abruptly I stopped. There was no sound or sight to account for my stopping. For some unknown reason I felt I must stop and I did. A little time passed and a light was brought by some one and there Lo, and behold! At the very place where I was to have placed my foot at the next step, there was a serpent lying quiet. Of course, if I had put my foot, the consequences might have been very serious, if not fatal. The light showed what the danger was that I escaped. But I could not have guessed of its existence so near me by the use of my own powers, in the absence of the light. Why and how had I stopped so abruptly and how did the light come in so opportune a moment to show me the danger? The only answer is the all seeing and ever watchful power and protective grace of Sai Baba. He has saved this body of mine from death on many occasions.

There are innumerable instances where Baba used to read the devotee’s thoughts and correct those immediately to provide valuable life lessons. Here is an instance:

We used to go and sit near Sai Baba at the Mosque. Any one could go at the usual visiting hours, without permission or introduction and bow before Baba. On one occasion, as I was seated at a short distance from Baba, there came a leper. His disease was far advanced. He was stinking and he had little strength left in him, so it was with much difficulty and very slowly, he clambered up the steps of the Mosque and placed his head on Baba’s feet. I was feeling uncomfortable and was hoping he leave soon. At last when he got down slowly carrying a small parcel wrapped up in a dirty cloth, I took a sigh of relief and thought, “Thank God. He is off.” Sai Baba at once darted a piercing glance at me, and I knew he read my though. Before the leper had gone far, Baba called out and sent some one to fetch him back. The man returned. It was again the slow process of his clambering up, emitting foul scrunch all the time; and as the man bowed to Baba, he picked up that parcel saying “What is this?” And opened it. It contained some “pedas” (milk sweets),  and Baba took up a piece and gave it only to me (of all present  devotees) and asked me to eat it. What horror! To eat up a sweet brought by the stinking leper! But it was Sai Baba’s order, and there was no option but to Obey. so I ate it. Sai Baba took another piece and himself swallowed it and then sent the man away. Why was the man recalled and why was I alone was the chosen recipient of his peda? But I knew fully well that Baba had read my thoughts and was teaching me valuable lessons of humility, fraternity, sympathy, endurance and trust in His Supreme wisdom rather than in my own notions of hygiene and sanitation.

As quoted in Shri Guru Bhagavat Vol. 2:

 Subhakta padile khaalare || Guru aasanti taa paakhare
Bipadaru kari uddhaara || Bishwaasa karaanti sanchaara

When a true devotee falls into the pit of problems, the Guru comes to his rescue. Saving him from the danger, the Guru re-affirms the devotee’s faith in Him.

 Shri Gurunkara Krupa hele || Aneka anubhooti mile
Hue kete paribartana || Saarthaka laagai janama

When Shri Guru is compassionate, the devotee gets lots of subtle experiences. A lot of change takes place in him and there is a sense of fulfillment in his life.


Source: Devotees Experiences by Sri B.V Narasimha Swami

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