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“Shri Sainath Mahimna Stotram” was composed by Shri Upasani Baba Maharaj in Sanskrit at the time of installation of Baba’s padukas in 1912, highlighting the greatness of neem tree and Baba’s powers.
सदासत्स्वरूपं चिदानन्दकन्दं
जगत्सम्भवस्धान संहार हेतुं
स्वभक्तेच्छया मानुषं दर्शयन्तं
नमामीश्वरं सद्गुरुं सायिनाथं
sadāsatsvarūpaṃ cidānandakandaṃ
jagatsambhavasdhāna saṃhāra hetuṃ
svabhaktecchayā mānuṣaṃ darśayantaṃ
namāmīśvaraṃ sadguruṃ sāyināthaṃ
Let us bow down to the lord Sadguru Sainath, who is Truth Incarnate and is always in Consciousness and Bliss; the God who is the cause of creation, existence and destruction of the world; and, who has come in to this world in a human form for the sake of his own devotees.
भवध्वान्त विध्वंस मार्ताण्डमीड्यं
मनोवागतीतं मुनिर् ध्यान गम्यं
जगद्व्यापकं निर्मलं निर्गुणं त्वां
नमामीश्वरं सद्गुरुं सायिनाथं
bhavadhvānta vidhvaṃsa mārtāṇḍamīḍyaṃ
manovāgatītaṃ munir dhyāna gamyaṃ
jagadvyāpakaṃ nirmalaṃ nirguṇaṃ tvāṃ
namāmīśvaraṃ sadguruṃ sāyināthaṃ
Let us bow down to the lord Sadguru Sainath, who is the bright sun whose light destroys the darkness of worldly desires; who is beyond the realm of speech and mind, but accessible to the sages who are engrossed in meditation – One who pervades the whole world, pure and devoid of all attributes.
भवाम्भोदि मग्नार्धितानां जनानां
स्वपादाश्रितानां स्वभक्ति प्रियाणां
समुद्दारणार्धं कलौ सम्भवन्तं
नमामीश्वरं सद्गुरुं सायिनाथं
bhavāmbhodi magnārdhitānāṃ janānāṃ
svapādāśritānāṃ svabhakti priyāṇāṃ
samuddāraṇārdhaṃ kalau sambhavantaṃ
namāmīśvaraṃ sadguruṃ sāyināthaṃ
Let us bow down to the lord Sadguru Sainath, who has manifested in this kaliyug (The dark and the troublesome age of present) for the salvation of those who believe in devotion to Him and those who have taken refuge at his feet as they are drowning and tormented by the ocean of worldliness.
सदानिम्ब वृक्षस्यमुलाधि वासात्
सुधास्राविणं तिक्त मप्य प्रियन्तं
तरुं कल्प वृक्षाधिकं साधयन्तं
नमामीश्वरं सद्गुरुं सायिनाथं
sadānimba vṛkṣasyamulādhi vāsāt
sudhāsrāviṇaṃ tikta mapya priyantaṃ
taruṃ kalpa vṛkṣādhikaṃ sādhayantaṃ
namāmīśvaraṃ sadguruṃ sāyināthaṃ
Let us bow down to the lord Sadguru Sainath who, By His constant abode under the margosa tree, whose juice though by nature is bitter and distasteful, has turned it nectar-like sweet, because He has exalted the tree above the legendary Kalpavriksh (the wish-fulfilling tree)
सदाकल्प वृक्षस्य तस्याधिमूले
भवद्भावबुद्ध्या सपर्यादिसेवां
नृणां कुर्वतां भुक्ति-मुक्ति प्रदन्तं
नमामीश्वरं सद्गुरुं सायिनाथं
sadākalpa vṛkṣasya tasyādhimūle
bhavadbhāvabuddhyā saparyādisevāṃ
nṛṇāṃ kurvatāṃ bhukti-mukti pradantaṃ
namāmīśvaraṃ sadguruṃ sāyināthaṃ
Let us bow down to the lord Sadguru Sainath, whom people go to worship and render devotional services, knowing Him to be Himself the kalpavriksh always; for those people he satisfies their worldly desires and grants them salvation.
अनेका शृता तर्क्य लीला विलासै:
समा विष्कृतेशान भास्वत्र्पभावं
अहम्भावहीनं प्रसन्नात्मभावं
नमामीश्वरं सद्गुरुं सायिनाथं
anekā śṛtā tarkya līlā vilāsai:
samā viṣkṛteśāna bhāsvatrpabhāvaṃ
ahambhāvahīnaṃ prasannātmabhāvaṃ
namāmīśvaraṃ sadguruṃ sāyināthaṃ
Let us bow down to the lord Sadguru Sainath, whose innumerable and wonderful Leelas(divine play), unheard of and unimagined, have displayed His divine splendorous glory; yet who is devoid of ego and is happily absorbed in the Self.
सतां विश्रमाराम मेवाभिरामं
सदासज्जनै संस्तुतं सन्नमद्भि:
जनामोददं भक्त भद्र प्रदन्तं
नमामीश्वरं सद्गुरुं सायिनाथं
satāṃ viśramārāma mevābhirāmaṃ
sadāsajjanai saṃstutaṃ sannamadbhi:
janāmodadaṃ bhakta bhadra pradantaṃ
namāmīśvaraṃ sadguruṃ sāyināthaṃ
Let us bow down to the lord Sadguru Sainath, who is the perennial abode of rest, repose and refuge for the virtuous people and to whom praises are directed by good and pious persons- He who is the bestow-er of happiness and welfare to His devotees.
अजन्माद्यमेकं परम्ब्रह्म साक्षात्
स्वयं सम्भवं राममेवावतीर्णं
भवद्दर्शनात्सम्पुनीत: प्रभोहं
नमामीश्वरं सद्गुरुं सायिनाथं
ajanmādyamekaṃ parambrahma sākṣāt
svayaṃ sambhavaṃ rāmamevāvatīrṇaṃ
bhavaddarśanātsampunīta: prabhohaṃ
namāmīśvaraṃ sadguruṃ sāyināthaṃ
Let us bow down to the lord Sadguru Sainath, who is the Self-manifested, the Absolute Brahman, verily the Supreme Creator Incarnate, the Being without beginning or end, who has descended on this earth in the Ram avatar (Incarnation) . O lord, I have been sanctified by your darshan.
श्रीसायिश कृपानिधे खिलनृणां सर्वार्धसिद्दिप्रद
युष्मत्पादरज: प्रभावमतुलं धातापिवक्ताक्षम:
सद्भक्त्याश्शरणं कृताञ्जलिपुट: सम्प्राप्तितोस्मिन् प्रभो
श्रीमत्सायिपरेश पाद कमलान् नान्यच्चरण्यंमम
śrīsāyiśa kṛpānidhe khilanṛṇāṃ sarvārdhasiddiprada
yuṣmatpādaraja: prabhāvamatulaṃ dhātāpivaktākṣama:
sadbhaktyāśśaraṇaṃ kṛtāñjalipuṭa: samprāptitosmin prabho
śrīmatsāyipareśa pāda kamalān nānyaccaraṇyaṃmama
O Lord Sai, treasure-house of mercy, the bestow-er of all wealth, success and inspiration, even the creator is unable to describe the incomparable power of the dust of your feet. With my folded hands and true devotion, I surrender to you O Lord. There is no refuge for me, except the lotus feet of Shrimat Sainath, the Lord.
सायिरूपधर राघवोत्तमं
भक्तकाम विबुध द्रुमं प्रभुं
माययोपहत चित्त शुद्धये
चिन्तयाम्यह महर्निशं मुदा
sāyirūpadhara rāghavottamaṃ
bhaktakāma vibudha drumaṃ prabhuṃ
māyayopahata citta śuddhaye
cintayāmyaha maharniśaṃ mudā
Lord Sai is the avatar of Raghav (Incarnation of Ram), the Lord who fulfills the desires of His devotees for the purification of their infatuated and deluded hearts and minds – to whom I pray, day and night, untiringly and blissfully.
शरत्सुधांशं प्रतिमं प्रकाशं
कृपातपत्रं तवसायिनाथ
त्वदीयपादाब्ज समाश्रितानां
स्वच्छाययाताप मपाकरोतु
śaratsudhāṃśaṃ pratimaṃ prakāśaṃ
kṛpātapatraṃ tavasāyinātha
tvadīyapādābja samāśritānāṃ
svacchāyayātāpa mapākarotu
Lord Sainath, the canopy of your mercy is like the intense luster of the autumn moon. Grant the cool shade (from that canopy) from the blazing heat of the three-fold calamities of life to those who have taken shelter at your feet.
उपासनादैवत सायिनाथ
स्मवैर्म योपासनि नास्तुतस्त्वं
रमेन्मनोमे तवपादयुग्मे
भ्रुङ्गो यदाब्जे मकरन्दलुब्ध:
upāsanādaivata sāyinātha
smavairma yopāsani nāstutastvaṃ
ramenmanome tavapādayugme
bhruṅgo yadābje makarandalubdha:
Lord Sainath you are my God, whom I worship. I extol your praises. Let my mind dwell lovingly at your lotus feet, just as the bee hovers over the lotus flowers enticed by the desire of honey.
अनेकजन्मार्जित पापसङ्क्षयो
भवेद्भवत्पाद सरोज दर्शनात्
क्षमस्व सर्वानपराध पुञ्जकान्
प्रसीद सायिश सद्गुरो दयानिधे
anekajanmārjita pāpasaṅkṣayo
bhavedbhavatpāda saroja darśanāt
kṣamasva sarvānaparādha puñjakān
prasīda sāyiśa sadguro dayānidhe
Lord Sai, Ocean of compassion, bless me and pardon me for all my innumerable faults. May my boundless sins which have accumulated over several cycles of life be destroyed by the darshan of your feet
श्रीसायिनाथ चरणामृत पूर्णचित्ता
तत्पाद सेवनरता स्सत तञ्च भक्त्या
संसारजन्य दुरितौघ विनिर्ग तास्ते
कैवल्य धाम परमं समवाप्नुवन्ति
śrīsāyinātha caraṇāmṛta pūrṇacittā
tatpāda sevanaratā ssata tañca bhaktyā
saṃsārajanya duritaugha vinirga tāste
kaivalya dhāma paramaṃ samavāpnuvanti
Those whose minds become purified by the nectar of tirth (Water deemed to be Holy from the washings of Lord’s feet) of Shri Sainath, those who are constantly absorbed in His service with – devotion they get freed from the distress caused by worldliness and attain salvation.
स्तोत्रमे तत्पठेद्भक्त्या योन्नरस्तन्मनासदा
सद्गुरो: सायिनाथस्य कृपापात्रं भवेद्भवं
stotrame tatpaṭhedbhaktyā yonnarastanmanāsadā
sadguro: sāyināthasya kṛpāpātraṃ bhavedbhavaṃ
Whosoever always recites this hymn with devotion and absorption will certainly be the recipient of the grace of Sadguru Sainath for his whole life.
Shri Satchidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai !!!