What is the role of a "Sadguru" in our life?



  • Sadguru gives the ability of God realization to the deserving human beings. His first function is to evolve them, stage by stage and give the experience of attaining the state of “Paramhamsa” to the very, very few deserving human beings. Without the grace of a Sadguru it is impossible to achieve this state.
  • Sadguru removes all the impediments in the path of spiritual evolution of any human being who comes in contact with Him in any way.
  • Sadguru breaks the wrong and illusory concepts (maya) of a devotee collected through a few lives of his existence. When ignorance is dispelled by the Guru the disciple’s inner knowledge gets illuminated itself.
  • For a man who thinks that he is the most intelligent person, the Sadguru wipes out his ego of intellect till he realizes that his intellect was full of follies.
  • Sadguru works upon the human society intensely in a way so as to ensure that human beings transcend their human limitations and attain a limitless state of God, which is their original state.

Source: BABA MAY I ANSWER by Guruji Dr. C B Satpathy

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