Para-Bhakti (Highest Devotion) towards Guru


Hari Sitaram Dixit alias Kakasaheb Dixit was a staunch devotee of Shri Shirdi Sai Baba. He was a well-known solicitor of Mumbai who was persuaded to visit Shri Sai Baba in 1909 by his friend Nana Saheb Chandorkar. He was largely responsible for the establishment and progress of Shirdi Sai Baba Sansthan, the affairs of which were managed by him as Honorary Secretary very ably and enthusiastically up to the time of his death, i.e., on 5th July 1926. He was also responsible for drawing large number of devotees to Shirdi. He also took care of Sai Leela Masik, the Marathi Monthly Magazine of Shri Sai Baba Sansthan till July 1926.

Once Kaka Saheb Dixit yearned to sit along with Baba during lunch. Bade Baba was fortunate to have a seat next to Baba during lunch. Dixit felt that it was an honour, and good fortune to dine with his Guru. Much later his wish came to fruition. Every single day he read Eknath’s Bhawarth Ramayan. In Yudh Kand Chapter 88, there is a story about Lord Hanuman, who longed to eat the uchista (leftover food) of Lord Rama. So one day Hanuman waited patiently and when Rama began eating, he jumped in front of him and picked the plate that Rama was eating from and flunged it up to the sky. Hanuman quickly leaped up, caught the plate and sat on a tree and ate the left over. Later Hanuman stood in front of Rama, the latter knowing of his utter devotion and love, laughed and joked with him. Keeping the example of Hanuman in mind Dixit did a similar thing. One day after the shira was offered; he waited for Baba to start eating it. Then he went up to him and took the vessel of shira back to his wada, where he and his fellow devotees made a meal of it. Later when he came to the Dwaraka Mai, Baba laughed and joked about it. But the wonderful result was that the very next day Baba asked Dixit to sit with him for lunch.

Source: Sai Leela Vol. 6. Year 4 (1926)

As quoted in Shri Guru Bhagavat, Vol. 1

Ati byaakula hele bhakta || Bhulithaae Guru-maahaatmya
Bhaaba aadhikye paraabhakti || Seemaaku chaadi kare jukti

Se bele Guru nija jana II Naa prabhu naa ta Bhagabaana
Bhakata paaile asukha || Shri Gurunku janaae duhkha

When the devotee becomes hyper-emotional (in Guru’s love), he becomes oblivious of the greatness of the Guru. When ‘para-bhakti’ awakens, he even starts arguing with the Guru forgetting his limitations (the rules of the game which he is supposed to follow in traditional relationship with the Guru ). At that time, the Guru is taken (perceived) as his own. He neither thinks of Him as God nor as His Lord. Whenever the devotee feels unhappy, he conveys it to the Guru (without any reservations).

Jai Shri Sai !

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