Bow to the Cosmic Consciousness
The Real Being is beyond and without any attributes; but for the sake of His devotees He assumes a form. That is Shri Sai, the Pure. I completely surrender to him.
He who is the Cosmic Consciousness in all beings and who is the seat of Self Awareness and has assumed the form of gross consciousness – to him, the lovable one, I bow down.
As quoted in Shri Guru Bhagavat Vol. 2
“Krupaadaana kara hey tume || Krupaapraarthee’ banaao tume
Tume hin krupaara kaarana || Hey krupaaghana bhaktapraana”
“Tame krupaara beeja pota || Krupaabhaabaku kara jaata
Tume krupaa kara sanchaara || Tume “Krupaara abataara”
You shower Your kindness (and) You prepare the devotee to be the receiver of such Compassion. You are the very cause of compassion, Oh the Cloud of Compassion and the life of the devotees, You sow the seed of kindness and You kindle the emotion of kindness (in the devotee). (Oh Master, only You can evoke kindness as You are the Incarnation of kindness.)”
om sai ram..
Every teaching aware us ,calm the mind